Thursday 12 March 2020

Spanish Gigante Beans

When I was a child, I used to travel to Madrid with my family. This authentic dish was my go-to order wherever it was available. Today, I am sharing with you an easy, simple recipe on how to make this delicious and nutritious Spanish meal.

Ingredients for 2 portions:

1 can of butter beans 
1 can of peeled plum tomatoes
3 cloves of garlic
1/2 a chopped red onion
A large handful of spinach
2 teaspoons of paprika
1 bay leaf
2 teaspoons of basil
A sweet potato to serve (optional)


To begin, fry the chopped onion and garlic until they are soft and brown. Next, throw in the tomatoes and butter beans, and the herbs/spices. You can start to prepare the sweet potato by washing and pricking it before placing it on a baking tray. Cook in the oven and allow the beans to simmer for about 20 minutes. Make sure to add the spinach around 5 minutes before it is ready, it should soft and have decreased quite a lot in size when the spinach is cooked.

Serve the Spanish gigante beans on the sweet potato and enjoy, this recipe is also good for batch cooking so make sure to make twice as much for some delicious lunches throughout the week!

Friday 2 February 2018

Freud psychoanalysis in a film

Freud’s psychoanalytic theory has inspired many film directors as his work has been shown in films through the use of characters, visual signification and technicalities. A film that has been quite clearly inspired by is Stanley Kubrick’s A Clockwork Orange, this film demonstrates how the id, ego and superego work in the brain and what happens when the ego cannot be balanced between id and superego. The narrative revolves around the character Alex DeLarge; a teenage boy who is completely controlled by his id which causes him to fail to control his impulses. He cannot conform to society’s rules and doesn’t care for moral aspects in what he is doing because he sees nothing wrong with it, he sees no wrong in acting out his desires which shows he has no superego to help guide him to making morally good decisions. He commits acts of violence, robbery, rape, and is completely controlled by his pleasure principle. He follows through with these crimes as the weakness of his superego leaves him with no concern for morals of these actions that are unacceptable to society.

Alex was born and raised by his parents which could be the reason for his dysfunctional development of his personality, his parents seem submissive and show no emotion towards Alex. They are naïve and fail to acknowledge their son’s behaviour, this could have caused a lack of development during another concept of Freud’s psychoanalytic theory: the Oedipus complex. According to Freud, this was a very important stage in psychosexual development, and skipping any stage can cause long term negative effects later in life. this could have caused is incapability to love and has no sympathy for his rape victims which is shown through his behaviour with women. he rapes for instant sexual gratification as his id controls him to act upon primitive instincts. His parents give him no discipline therefore his brain does not discipline bad behaviour with feelings of guilt, instead he is left with feelings of satisfaction. Alex had never experienced the right amount of love from his parents which caused him to act violent to substitute the comfort he had never been provided with from his parents. The weak personality of the parents causes a lack of fear of consequences, overall causing him to have a dominant id over his ego/superego.

During the first part of the film, it is made clear that Alex is completely controlled by his id, this is shown through his impulsive violent acts without any signs of guilty feelings or regrets. He is the leader of a gang that commit crimes such as beating a homeless man, raping, breaking into people’s homes, robbery, and other extreme acts of violence. This shows that Alex is controlled by his id because he will do anything for instant satisfaction whenever he wants and acts upon instinct without any regrets. When he commits violent acts, he hears music playing in his head which fuels his violence. 
After Alex is betrayed by his friends and ends up in prison, he goes through a treatment intended to 'treat' him for his bad behaviour, this was referred to as the ludovico treatment. The treatment consisted of videos of extreme violence combined with music, Alex ve forced to watch them after being injected with chemicals that made him feel sick. After going through this 'treatment' he can no longer give into his id's needs for acts of violence as this has caused him to feel sick whenever he has violent or sexual thoughts and tries to fulfil them. This shows that he is now completely controlled by his superego that has been forced upon him, he is stripped of all individuality and free will to do things he desires which even includes listening to music. From this point, he is taken advantage of people once released from prison and is abandoned by his parents who replaced him while he was going through treatment, he is also taken advantage by his old gang who beat him and leave him to die, his superego doesn't let him defend himself as he knows if he acts out is id he will feel sick. He then seeks help from one of his previous victims, who then tortures him to suicide through forcing him to listen to music which he loves, this triggers the pleasure principle in his brain which then triggers the sick feeling causing him to jump out a window to end the pain. Once he awakens in hospital, his parents apologise to him following those responsible for his 'treatment'. It seems that after his suicide attempt, he now has control over his id and superego meaning he has developed a middle ground. His last words of the film "I was cured, alright" suggests that he now has an ego and has control over doing what is desired but with a morally right outcome.

Freud, S. (1920). Beyond the pleasure principle. SE, 18: 1-64.

Freud, S. (1923). The ego and the id. SE, 19: 1-66.

Wednesday 31 January 2018

the male gaze

the male gaze was written by larura mulvey in the essay 'visual pleasure and narrative cinema' and can be represented as the audience being put into place as a heterosexual man, it shows how an audience can be presented, such as: how men look at women, how women see themselves, and how women view other women. This theory shows that women are being objectified and losing their identity to be used only for their physical appearance. this is shown is still being done in everyday life, for example, in advertising when the female body is used to sell a product even though they have nothing to do with each other.

Monday 29 January 2018


the theory of lack by lacan revolves around the lack of satisfaction in our lives and no matter what we achieve in life we always want more and is never enough to fill this void we are born with. this is similar to freud's theory of the self which is shown through different parts of the theories that relate to each other; freud's theory of the id and how it acts upon primitive impulses is shown in lacans theory of lack as we are driven by desire. this shows the influence between the two as the id in freuds theory is the lack of lacans theory of achieving what is wanted, since we are never truly complete and always desire more the id is always present and causing conscious and unconscious decisions regarding want.
Lacans mirror stage discusses how we have this lack from the moment we re born when we first see our reflection, the reflection represents the perfect version of ourselves and we try our whole lives to become this ideal representation of ourselves. the reason we all suffer from lack is because we can never achieve the perfection we saw in the mirror as infants no matter how hard we strive.

Wednesday 29 November 2017

Freud's Theory of 'The Self'

Freud’s theory of the self is a psychoanalytic theory which separates the mind into 3 different parts that we are controlled by: the id, the ego and the superego. The id is the part of the brain that acts upon primitive instincts and impulses like anger, hunger, thirst, pleasure, pain, and will do anything to get instant gratification without thinking about consequences and moral aspects. The id unconsciously serves to relieve pain and act on instincts such as sex and aggression. The id is what causes impulses to be acted out so satisfaction is immediately achieved, regardless of any consequences or how unreasonable/chaotic the demands are. It is not affected by logic or reality and is can be selfish/irrational if that means instant relief. When demands are met it causes pleasure whereas if demands are not met it can cause tension. 

The superego represents the moral part of us that is consciously responsible for making the right decisions and values the morals of society that are taught to them by their parents and others present while being raised. The superego’s function is to control the impulses caused by the id, especially when the impulses involve acts such as sex and aggression that go against society’s rules. It can even persuade the ego to postpone satisfaction and turn to the morally good goals instead of realistic ones as the superego strives for perfection to become the best possible version of the self. This ideal self is the image of how you think you should be and can represent aspirations, and how you think you should treat others and act in society. A high standard for your ideal self can cause feelings of failure, the ideal self is determined at a young age depending on how you were brought up and based on parental values. The superego causes feelings of guilt when not please and feelings of pride when morally right decisions are made.

 The ego makes us think rationally and balances between the unrealistic needs of the id and the superego’s need for morally right decisions and tries to satisfy them both, instead of being based on impulses or conscience it instead relies on reality principle. It is part of the secondary process part of the brain and which is used for problem solving and decision making. It works by using reasonable ways of pleasing the id by using realistic strategies to avoid pain and seek pleasure. To avoid consequence of society, the ego may postpone some desired satisfaction as it’s purpose is to achieve desires while also considering social realities. The ego has no morals of its own as its only responsible for pleasing both the id and the superego.

Thursday 16 November 2017

French New Wave Essay (not finished)

French new wave

French new wave was made in Paris during the late 1950's when film enthusiasts discovered that there was a lack of innovation in the industry that caused films to feel stale and boring, this was due to French films being forced into a standard which tried to copy the norms from Hollywood films. These film enthusiasts discussed how to change cinema with the little money they had and soon filmmakers began creating their own films with originality and a different format to others. The purposes of the films made during this time were to present real French life during the 50's and 60's through cinema.

La nouvelle vague made cinema feel more personal as the directors would use their films to show their own life and thoughts. Each director’s film would create an accurate representation of their life that caused new wave films to be differentiated from the past, outdated French films. An alternative way of filmmaking was created that had a new style of presenting the narrative to the audience. The filmmakers showed that things could be done differently by taking already existing methods and creating new techniques for them.

Jean Luc Godard

Jean Luc Godard, born 3rd December 1930 is a French/Swiss film director, screenwriter and critic. He was studying at the Sorbonne in 1949 where he met François Truffaut, Jacques Rivette and Éric Rohmer. In 1950, Godard, Rivette and Rohmer founded ‘Gazette du Cinema’ which Godard published many articles for, at the time he was also working on 2 films written by Rivette and Rohmer until his funds were cut off by his family in 1951. In 1952 he began writing for ‘les cahiers du cinema’ as a film critique and later travelled America to shoot a film (however nothing more than a single tracking shot was accomplished from this).

In 1953 Godard became a construction worker in Switzerland to save money which he used to make a short film in 1954. Godard then went back to writing for ‘les cahiers du cinema’ and created his first French film ‘Charlotte et Veronique’ in 1957, shortly after he began working with Truffaut again on the publication of ‘Temps de Paris’. 1960 is the year in which Godard began working on Breathless; a film that changed cinema.


Breathless was Jean Luc Godard’s first feature film released, it was the breakthrough that started the French new wave movement of the 1960's where new modes of production were used while experimenting to change and rethink the way films are formed. Real life sets were used because resources that were already available were cheaper, they had a low budget to create French films so they saved money this way as well as having small filming crews.
Godard used a lot of the same filming techniques throughout Breathless and many other of his films, these techniques include sudden jump cuts using different angles, realistic lighting, grainy/over-exposed shots, and hand-held cameras.

Breathless was one of the most influential films made, the story was originally written by François Truffaut and Claude Chabrol however they decided not to make the film themselves so they have the idea to Godard. Godard made the film very different to the original idea and makeup some dialogue whilst shooting as he wanted more spontaneous and natural feeling moments to capture real life.

Godard used each films structure to present certain themes that pre- occupied him such as existentialism, death, betrayal, and the impossibility of love. These are themes found throughout the majority of Godard’s films, they are presented through characters and events that are shown in the story.

The impossibility of love is played out in Michel and Patricia’s relationship as the two often fail to understand each other as shown in the bedroom scene which is played for almost a third of the film. In this scene it is made clear to the audience that the 2 lovers personalities are very different to each other. This scene is said to be “an unforeseen form of naturalism”, this gives the audience the impression that realism is being used. Another way naturalism is presented is through the use of spontaneous dialogue and mis-en-scene.

Throughout the scene the 2 lovers talk to each other and get to know each other with the camera angles changing throughout as each character speaks, this represents the difference between men and women and overall shows the changing relations between them. Patricia says to Michel “I want us to be like Romeo and Juliet” which presents the character as being stereotypical for wanting such a romantic ideal. However, it is unclear what Patricia wants as her journalistic career is her main priority, this shows the characters conflict between love and career.

Death is a common theme used in Godard’s work, the theme of death is present from the start to the end of Breathless, the first shot of the film is foreshadowing Michel’s death as he is reading a newspaper with an image of a woman on the front which is then moved from the frame to show Michel, this predicts Patricia being the one who’s responsible for his death. Another way Michel’s death is predicted is when an interviewer asks Parvulesco “Who is most moral, a man who abandons or a woman who betrays?” to which he replies, “a woman who betrays”, this scene foreshadows Patricia betraying Michel.

Michel’s obsession with death is shown throughout the film, he says to Patricia “Do you ever think of death? I never stop thinking of it.” Godard wanted to make a film about a boy who thinks of death and a girl who does not. The theme of death is also shown through Michel as he often asks what the time is, this shows that he is scared he is running out of time. The technical aspects also reflect a theme of death as the overall pace of the editing is fast and there are many quick jump cuts used which could be representing Michel’s time running out.

My life to live

My life to live was made in 1961 also with a low budget, however they needed a larger film crew as Godard used more traditional filming methods and conditions. Godard was questioning his own filmmaking and criticizing his own work, Vivre sa Vie gave Godard the change to redesign his cinematic vision and incorporate his philosophies into his work in different ways to his older films. Godard believed the camera moved too much during the filming of Breathless so he decided to use different methods of filming such as using heavier equipment with lit locations and sounds captured whilst filming instead of editing the sound into his work like he had done in the past.

Having a larger crew also meant that time would have to be spared appropriately as setting up the equipment would be a lot more time consuming. To save money while filming, Godard used longer shots, some of which last over 3 minutes long, and were usually accomplished from the first take. The idea to tell the story through 12 scenes was inspired by ‘the three penny opera’ , this technique was referred to as ‘distancing effects’ which would become important to Godard in his later career. Using this technique makes it easier for the audience to follow the story while also giving it a sense of mystery as it is unknown what events may have happened between these scenes. My Life to Live was a breakthrough for Godard as it used a different style of filmmaking as he changed the subject matter, form, and technicalities from his past films, overall Vivre sa Vie was very influential.

The impossibility of love is a theme also found in Vivre sa Vie, this theme is shown through the character of Nana, in the first scene it is made clear to the audience that she wishes to leave her husband as the attachment to her family fails to make her happy, she believes that this isn't the life she was meant to live. She leaves her husband and child but soon realises she can't afford to live so she soon resorts to occasional prostitution, then later becomes a professional. Godard presents prostitution as a metaphor for exploitation, this goes for all relationships based on materialistic/economic values. When we see Nana at the theatre watching The passion of Joan Arc, Nana cries as she relates to the victimisation the character is put through, she too understand being exploited by males as she is a prostitute being managed and sold by male pimps and predators and being cast aside by others. 

Thursday 2 November 2017

french new wave essay

French new wave was created in paris during the late 1950's when film enthusiasts discovered that there was a lack of innovation in the industry which caused films to feel stale and boring, these film enthusiasts discussed how to change cinema with the little money they had.
Film makers soon began creating their own films with originality and a different format to others.
the purpose of the films made during this time were to present real french life during the 50's and 60's through cinema.
La nouvelle vague made cinema feel more personal as the directors would use their films to show their own life and thoughts.
Each directors film would create an accurate representation of their life which caused new wave films to be differentiated from their older counterparts.
An alternative way of film making was created that had a new style of presenting the narrative to the audience.
The film makers showed that things can be done differently by taking already existing methods and creating new techniques for them.

breathless was jean luck godwards first feature film released, it began the french new wave movement of the 1960's where new modes of production were used while experimenting to change and rethink film form.
real life sets were used as available resources were cheaper, they had a low budget to create french films so they saved money his way as well as having small filming crews.
breathless was one of the most influential films made,the story was originally written by francois truffaut and claude chabrol however they decided not to make the film themselves so they have the idea to godard.
godard made the film very different to the original idea and makeup some dialogue whilst shooting as he wanted more spontaneous and natural feeling moments to capture real life.
a lot of filming was done hand held using natural lighting, this makes the  film feel more realistic and helps the audience see their point of view.

Spanish Gigante Beans When I was a child, I used to travel to Madrid with my family. This authentic dish was my go-to order wherever it...